The Great Controversy

by The Testimony of Jesus



This work is published to affirm in the reader their deepest and cherished desire: the hope that goo...

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This work is published to affirm in the reader their deepest and cherished desire: the hope that goodness and justice will ultimately prevail in the universe. This book does not aim to teach us about the misfortune and misery in the world; we are already well aware of it. Nor does it intend to reveal the irreducible antagonism between darkness and light, death and life. Deep within our hearts, something tells us that this is the case, and that we have a role to play in the conflict. However, many doubt whether love and goodness will triumph forever over hatred and evil.In all of us, the longing to know more about this age-old conflict and its protagonists often arises. Hence, we ask ourselves questions like the following: Why does this millennia-long struggle exist? How did it begin? What factors contribute to its complex nature? Why does it intensify? How and when will it end? Will our earth, as some wise individuals assure us, sink into the depths of an endless frozen night, or does a radiant future of life and happiness await it? In other words, will Gods love for humanity prevail?Turning now to the individual level, we wonder: Since I find myself in the world without my own will intervening, does this circumstance entail something good or bad for me? Is there any way to satisfy my longing for justice and truth? How can I emerge victorious in the struggle within my own conscience? In this time of growing unrest, is it possible to attain inner peace?These are the questions answered in this remarkable work. It contains astonishing and uplifting revelations about the fundamental factor that ruins so many lives. It presents the only solution that can bring peace to the soul, optimism to existence, and stability to the home. It also indicates how it is possible to anticipate the ultimate triumph of good in our personal lives.In order to facilitate an understanding of the powerful forces in conflict, the author recreates the significant events of the Christian era, highlighting their development and consequences. The book begins with the thrilling scenes leading up to the destruction of Jerusalem after that city chosen by God had rejected the Savior. It then traverses the royal path of nations, noting the persecutions of Christians during the early centuries, the great apostasy that followed within the church, the spiritual awakening of the world during the Reformation, the terrible lesson learned when France rejected good principles, the exaltation of the Holy Scriptures and their invigorating influence, the religious revival of modern times, and the marvelous revelations of Gods Word regarding the future.The impending conflict is then presented simply, lucidly, and decisively, a conflict in which, due to the vital principles it involves, no one can remain neutral. Finally, we are told of the glorious victory of light over darkness, right over injustice, happiness over sadness, hope over discouragement, life over death, and good over evil.The reader will notice that the author speaks frankly and forcefully, pointing out errors and proposing solutions based on the infallible Word of God. And although shifts and adjustments have occurred in the social and religious world in recent decades, the framework and projections presented in this book remain relevant and of absorbing interest today.Any impartial and reflective reader will find in the impactful pages of this work a stimulus and benefit. Therefore, we reissue it in this revised edition, confident that it will continue to awaken consciences and uplift hearts with the certainty that, at the end of the conflict, the love of God will triumph forever.